Challenge Workshop 2011: Mathematics for Health Care
Challenge Workshop 2012: MSO Tools 2012
Challenge Workshop 2013: Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Future Energy Grids
Challenge Workshop 2014: Online & Offline Optimal Control of Chemical and Biotechnological Processes
Challenge Workshop 2015/1: Big Data. Mathematical Data Analysis of Complex Structures
Challenge Workshop 2015/2: Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Energy Conservation
Challenge Workshop 2016/1: Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization in Food Industries
Challenge Workshop 2016/2: Mathematical MSO for Air Traffic Management
Challenge Workshop 2016/3: Reduced-Order Modeling for Simulation and Optimization: Powerful Algorithms as Key Enablers for Scientific Computing
Challenge Workshop 2017: Challenges for Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Advanced Process Control of Batch Processes
Challenge Workshop 2018: Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Challenge Workshop 2019/1: Digital Twins. Industrial and Mathematical Challenges
Modeling Day 2017: Computational Manufacturing. Simulation in Produktionsprozessen
Modeling Day 2019: Mathematische Modellierung von Energienetzen